Source code for redi.utils.csv2xml

#!/usr/bin/env python

from __future__ import print_function, unicode_literals
from io import open
import sys

# ==============================================================================
# Conversion from CSV to XML
# ==================
# Legal
# ------------------
# This software was written by Jerzy Jalocha N <>. It is
# distributed "as is" without warranty of any kind. Use at you own risk!
# The author puts no restrictions on the user of this software, except
# attribution. You are free to share, remix, and re-license it, as long as
# the original author is credited.
# Synopsis
# ------------------
# [options] ifile
# General Options
# ------------------
# ifile             Input CSV file path. Mandatory argument. If a hyphen '-' is
#                   given, the script reads from STDIN.
# ofile             Output XML file path. If the option os absent, the script
#                   writes to STDOUT.
# iencoding         Input file encoding. Defaults to UTF-8.
# oencoding         Output file encoding. Defaults to UTF-8.
# Input Options
# ------------------
# delimiter         The one-character string that is used to separate the
#                   fields. It defaults to a comma ','.
#                   eg: Specifying '\t', instructs the script to read tabulator-
#                       separated files:
#                         A1[TAB]B1[TAB]C1
# doublequote       Controls how instances of quotechar appearing inside a field
#                   should be themselves be quoted. When True, the character is
#                   doubled. When False, the escapechar is used as a prefix to
#                   the quotechar. It defaults to True.
# escapechar        The escapechar removes any special meaning from the
#                   following character. It defaults to None, which disables
#                   escaping.
#                   eg: Using '!' for escaping the delimiter character:
#                         A1,B!,2,C3
#(lineterminator)   The reader is hard-coded to recognise either '\r' or '\n' as
#                   end-of-line, and ignores lineterminator. This behavior may
#                   change in the future.
# quotechar         A one-character string used to quote fields containing
#                   special characters, such as the delimiter or quotechar, or
#                   which contain new-line characters. It defaults to '"'.
#                   eg: When set to a single-quote, you can easily use the
#                       delimiter inside fields:
#                         A1,"bee,2",C3
# quoting           Controls when quotes should be recognised by the reader. It
#                   can take on any of the QUOTE_* constants below:
#     QUOTE_MINIMAL Default. Instructs writer objects to only quote those fields
#                   which contain special characters such as delimiter,
#                   quotechar or any of the characters in lineterminator.
#         QUOTE_ALL Instructs writer objects to quote all fields.
#  QUOTE_NONNUMERIC Instructs the reader to convert all non-quoted fields to
#                   type float.
#        QUOTE_NONE Instructs reader to perform no special processing of quote
#                   characters.
# skipinitialspace  When True, whitespace immediately following the delimiter is
#                   ignored. The default is False.
#                   eg: When False, 'A, B, C' is read as
#                         <field>A</field> <field> B</field> <field> C</field>.
#                       When True, it is read as
#                         <field>A</field> <field>B</field> <field> C</field>.
# header            This option instructs the script to read read the field
#                   names from the first file line. It defaults to False.
#                   eg: When True, if reads the following CSV input:
#                         'colA,colB,colC
#                          A1,B1,C1'
#                       And uses the first line as field element names:
#                         <colA>A1</colA> <colB>B1</colB> <colC>C1</colC>
# Output Options
# ------------------
# xml-declaration   This option instructs the script to write an XML
#                   declaration. It defaults to False.
#                   eg: If this option is set, the first line in the output
#                       is <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>.
# root_elem         These three options define the element names in the output
# record_elem       XML document. They default to <document>, <record>, and
# field_elem        <field>.
#                   eg: Specifying 'table', 'row', and 'cell', the output
#                       elements become <table>, <row>, and <cell>.
# newline_elem      Name for the newline element. It is disabled (None) by
#                   default.
#                   eg: Specifying 'br' will output a <br/> element for each
#                       newline in a field.
# flat_fields       This option disables the numbering of the field elements in
#                   the XML output. It is False by default.
#                   eg: When True, a field element is output as a <field>
#                       element, instead of <field0>, <field1>, etc.
# indent            XML file indentation. Defaults to four spaces '    '.
#                   eg: Specifying '\t' uses a tabulator, and using ''
#                       disables indentation alltogether.
# linebreak         This option defines what character is used at the end of
#                   each line in the XML file. It defaults to '\n', printing
#                   a new line after each element.
#                   eg: Specifying '' instructs the script to print the whole
#                       XML document as one single line.
# ==============================================================================

import csv
import sys
from optparse import OptionParser, OptionGroup

# Replace s by r in text.

[docs]def replace(text, s, r): return r.join(text.split(s))
# NOTE: If you modify this script, and the need arises to re-use sys.stdin # or sys.stdout, uncomment the following. # # Never close STDIN and STDOUT. # def do_not_close(exc_type, exc_value, traceback): # pass #sys.stdin.__exit__ = do_not_close #sys.stdout.__exit__ = do_not_close # Open a file or standard input/output from a unified interface.
[docs]def openio(filename, mode, encoding, newline=None): if filename == '-': # Hyphen is commonly used to designate stdin/out. filename = None # Use filename = None for stdin/out. if filename: return open(filename, mode=mode, encoding=encoding, newline=newline) elif mode == 'r': return sys.stdin elif mode == 'w': return sys.stdout else: raise ValueError("mode not recognized")
# Sometimes we need to print linebreak elements to the output document, in place # of the real linebreaks in the input document. Sometimes we just keep print # out the unmodified field content.
[docs]def field_subst_factory(newline): newline_tag = '<{0}/>'.format(newline) def text_replace(field): return replace(field, '\n', newline_tag) def text_keep(field): return field if newline: return text_replace else: return text_keep
# This class handles all the creating of the XML file.
[docs]class Writer:
def __init__(self, ofile, args): self.file = ofile self.args = args self.newline_subst = field_subst_factory(args.newline_elem) if args.header: self.fieldname = self.__fieldname_header elif args.flat_fields: self.fieldname = self.__fieldname_flat else: self.fieldname = self.__fieldname_indexed def write_file(self, data): if self.args.declaration: declaration = ('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="{0}"?>'. format(self.args.oencoding)) self.write(declaration) self.write("<{0}>".format(self.args.root_elem)) for record in data: self.write_record(record) self.write("</{0}>".format(self.args.root_elem)) def write_record(self, record): self.write("{0}<{1}>". format(self.args.indent, self.args.record_elem)) for index, field in enumerate(record): self.write_field(field, index) self.write("{0}</{1}>". format(self.args.indent, self.args.record_elem)) def write_field(self, field, index): self.write("{0}{0}<{1}>{2}</{1}>". format(self.args.indent, self.fieldname(index), self.newline_subst(field))) def write(self, text): print(text, file=self.file, end=self.args.linebreak) def __fieldname_header(self, index): return self.args.header[index] def __fieldname_flat(self, index): return self.args.field_elem def __fieldname_indexed(self, index): return self.args.field_elem + str(index) # Custom callback function for the command-line parser. # Store tabs and newlines as "real" tabs and newlines.
[docs]def cleanup_callback(option, opt, value, parser): result = replace(value, '\\n', '\n') result = replace(result, '\\t', '\t') setattr(parser.values, option.dest, result)
# Parse the huge amount of command-line options.
[docs]def parse_cmdline(): usage = "usage: %prog [options] IFILE" parser = OptionParser(usage) parser.set_defaults(iencoding='UTF-8', oencoding='UTF-8', delimiter=b',', doublequote=True, quotechar=b'"', quoting=csv.QUOTE_MINIMAL, skipinitialspace=False, header=False, declaration=False, root_elem='root', record_elem='record', field_elem='field', flat_fields=False, indent=' ', linebreak='\n') parser.add_option('-o', '--output-file', dest='ofile', help="save to file OFILE") parser.add_option('-c', '--input-encoding', dest='iencoding', help="input file encoding") parser.add_option('-C', '--output-encoding', dest='oencoding', help="output file encoding") igroup = OptionGroup(parser, "CSV Dialect Options") igroup.add_option('-d', '--delimiter', dest='delimiter', type='str', action='callback', callback=cleanup_callback, help="a one-character string used to separate fields") igroup.add_option('-b', '--no-doublequote', action='store_false', dest='doublequote', help="controls how instances of quotechar appearing " "inside a field should be themselves be quoted") igroup.add_option('-e', '--escapechar', help="the escapechar removes any special meaning from " "the following character") igroup.add_option('-q', '--quotechar', help="A one-character string used to quote fields " "containing special characters") igroup.add_option('--quote-all', dest='quoting', action='store_const', const=csv.QUOTE_ALL, help="quote all field (READER?)") igroup.add_option('--quote-minimal', dest='quoting', action='store_const', const=csv.QUOTE_MINIMAL, help="quote only special characters (WRITER?)") igroup.add_option('--quote-nonnumeric', dest='quoting', action='store_const', const=csv.QUOTE_NONNUMERIC, help="convert all non-quoted fields to type float") igroup.add_option('--quote-none', dest='quoting', action='store_const', const=csv.QUOTE_NONE, help="perform no special processing of quote characters") igroup.add_option('-s', '--skipinitialspace', action='store_true', help="if whitespace immediately following the delimiter " "should be ignored") igroup.add_option('-a', '--header', action='store_true', help="read field names from file") ogroup = OptionGroup(parser, "XML Dialect Options") ogroup.add_option('-x', '--xml-declaration', dest='declaration', action='store_true', help="whether to output an XML declaration") ogroup.add_option('-t', '--root-element', dest='root_elem', help="name of the root element") ogroup.add_option('-r', '--record-element', dest='record_elem', help="name of the record-level element") ogroup.add_option('-f', '--field-element', dest='field_elem', help="name of the field-level element") ogroup.add_option('-n', '--newline-element', dest='newline_elem', help="name of the line break element") ogroup.add_option('-l', '--flat-fields', action='store_true', help="disable field element numbering") ogroup.add_option('-i', '--indent', dest='indent', type='str', action='callback', callback=cleanup_callback, help="indentation") ogroup.add_option('-k', '--linebreak', dest='linebreak', type='str', action='callback', callback=cleanup_callback, help="line break character in output file") parser.add_option_group(igroup) parser.add_option_group(ogroup) options, args = parser.parse_args() if len(args) != 1: parser.error("incorrect number of arguments") options.ifile = args[0] return options
# The main processing code. if __name__ == '__main__': args = parse_cmdline() csv.register_dialect('custom', delimiter=args.delimiter, doublequote=args.doublequote, escapechar=args.escapechar, quotechar=args.quotechar, quoting=args.quoting, skipinitialspace=args.skipinitialspace) with openio(args.ifile, mode='r', encoding=args.iencoding, newline='') as ifile: csvreader = csv.reader(ifile, dialect='custom') if args.header: args.header = next(csvreader) with openio(args.ofile, 'w', args.oencoding) as ofile: writer = Writer(ofile, args) writer.write_file(csvreader)