Source code for redi.utils.GetEmrData

# Contributors:
# Christopher P. Barnes <>
# Andrei Sura:
# Mohan Das Katragadda <>
# Philip Chase <>
# Ruchi Vivek Desai <>
# Taeber Rapczak <>
# Nicholas Rejack <>
# Josh Hanna <>
# Copyright (c) 2015, University of Florida
# All rights reserved.
# Distributed under the BSD 3-Clause License
# For full text of the BSD 3-Clause License see

This module is used to connect to an sftp server
and retrieve the raw EMR file to be used as input for RED-I.

import os
import csv
from xml.sax import saxutils
import logging
import pysftp
from csv2xml import openio, Writer
from paramiko.ssh_exception import SSHException, BadAuthenticationType
import sys
import ast
import copy

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class EmrFileAccessDetails(object) : """ Encapsulate the settings used to retrieve the EMR source file using an SFTP connection @see redi#_run() """ def __init__(self, emr_sftp_project_name, emr_download_list, emr_host, emr_username, emr_password, emr_port, emr_private_key, emr_private_key_pass ): self.sftp_project_name = emr_sftp_project_name try: self.download_list = ast.literal_eval(emr_download_list) # maintain backwards compatibility with existing config repos # if it doesn't automatically evaluate to a dictionary, make a dictionary except ValueError: self.download_list = {str(emr_download_list): "raw.txt"} = emr_host self.username = emr_username self.password = emr_password self.port = int(emr_port) self.private_key = emr_private_key self.private_key_pass = emr_private_key_pass
#============================ # Module level functions #============================
[docs]def download_files(destination, access_details): """ Download a file from the sftp server :destination the name of the file which will be downloaded :access_details holds info for accessing the source file over sftp @see get_emr_data() """ connection_info = dict(access_details.__dict__) # delete unnecessary elements form the dictionary del connection_info['download_list'] del connection_info['sftp_project_name'] # check for errors during authentication with EMR server try: with pysftp.Connection(**connection_info) as sftp:"User %s connected to sftp server %s" % \ (connection_info['username'], connection_info['host'])) sftp.get(access_details.download_list, destination) except IOError as e: logger.error("Please verify that the private key file mentioned in "\ "settings.ini exists.") logger.exception(e) sys.exit() except BadAuthenticationType as e: logger.error("Please verify that the EMR server connection details "\ "under section emr_data in settings.ini are correct") logger.exception(e) sys.exit() except SSHException as e: logger.error("Please verify that the EMR server connection details "\ "under section emr_data in settings.ini are correct") logger.exception(e) sys.exit()
[docs]def data_preprocessing(input_filename, output_filename):
# replace &, >, < with &amp;, &>;, &<; with open(input_filename, 'r') as raw, open(output_filename, 'w') as processed: for line in raw: processed.write(saxutils.escape(line))
[docs]def generate_xml(input_filename, output_filename):
# generate_xml now replicates the functionality from the # "main" code block of This allows us to use # it like another module in our project without having to call os.system(). class Arguments: pass args = Arguments() # Set the properties which we used to pass as command line arguments args.iencoding = 'cp1252' args.oencoding = 'utf8' args.header = True, args.delimiter = ',' args.declaration = True args.root_elem = 'study' args.record_elem = 'subject' args.ofile = output_filename args.ifile = input_filename # Now configure the defaults that would've been set if we were to execute # from the command line. args.linebreak = u'\n' args.escapechar = None args.indent = u' ' args.quoting = csv.QUOTE_MINIMAL args.skipinitialspace = False args.field_elem = u'field' args.flat_fields = False args.doublequote = True args.quotechar = '"' args.newline_elem = None # WARNING! The rest of this function is copied verbatim from # There should be no differences between these blocks of code whatsoever. # TODO: Replace entirely? csv.register_dialect('custom', delimiter=args.delimiter, doublequote=args.doublequote, escapechar=args.escapechar, quotechar=args.quotechar, quoting=args.quoting, skipinitialspace=args.skipinitialspace) with openio(args.ifile, mode='r', encoding=args.iencoding, newline='') as ifile: csvreader = csv.reader(ifile, dialect='custom') if args.header: args.header = next(csvreader) with openio(args.ofile, 'w', args.oencoding) as ofile: writer = Writer(ofile, args) writer.write_file(csvreader)
[docs]def cleanup(file_to_delete): os.remove(file_to_delete)
[docs]def get_emr_data(conf_dir, connection_details): """ :conf_dir configuration directory name :connection_details EmrFileAccessDetails object """ number_of_files = len(connection_details.download_list) counter = 1 for key in connection_details.download_list:"Now downloading %i of %i file(s)", counter, number_of_files) # make a copy of the dict temp_connection_details = copy.deepcopy(connection_details) # download the next file in the dict raw_txt_file = os.path.join(conf_dir, connection_details.download_list[key]) temp_connection_details.download_list = os.path.join(connection_details.sftp_project_name, key)"Downloading remote file file: " + temp_connection_details.download_list)"Saving to local file name: " + raw_txt_file) download_files(raw_txt_file, temp_connection_details) counter += 1