Source code for redi.utils.throttle

# Contributors:
# Christopher P. Barnes <>
# Andrei Sura:
# Mohan Das Katragadda <>
# Philip Chase <>
# Ruchi Vivek Desai <>
# Taeber Rapczak <>
# Nicholas Rejack <>
# Josh Hanna <>
# Copyright (c) 2015, University of Florida
# All rights reserved.
# Distributed under the BSD 3-Clause License
# For full text of the BSD 3-Clause License see

Utility module for throttling calls to a function

import collections
import datetime
import logging
import time

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class Throttle(object): """ Limits the number of calls to a function to a given rate. The rate limit is equal to the max_calls over the interval_in_seconds. :param function: function to call after throttling :param max_calls: maximum number of calls allowed :param interval_in_seconds: size of the sliding window """ def __init__(self, function, max_calls, interval_in_seconds=60): assert max_calls > 0 assert interval_in_seconds > 0 self._actual = function self._max_requests = max_calls self._interval = datetime.timedelta(seconds=interval_in_seconds) self._timestamps = collections.deque(maxlen=self._max_requests) def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Conditionally delays before calling the function """ self._wait() return self._actual(*args, **kwargs) def _limit_reached(self): """ Returns True if the maximum number of calls has been reached """ return len(self._timestamps) == self._max_requests @staticmethod def _now(): # Used during unit testing return def _remove_old_entries(self): """ Removes old timestamp entries """ # @TODO: investigate why the deque is not # cleared after we reach the limit #logger.debug("Clear the deque") #self._timestamps.clear() #return while (len(self._timestamps) > 0 and self._now() - self._timestamps[0] >= self._interval): self._timestamps.popleft() @staticmethod def _sleep(seconds): # Used during unit testing return time.sleep(seconds) def _wait(self): """ Sleeps for the remaining interval if the limit has been reached """ if self._limit_reached(): logger.warn('Throttling limit {} reached.' \ .format(self._max_requests)) lapsed = self._now() - self._timestamps[0] if lapsed < self._interval: sleep_time = (self._interval - lapsed).total_seconds() logger.debug("Sleeping for {} seconds to prevent too many calls" .format(sleep_time)) self._sleep(sleep_time) self._remove_old_entries() self._timestamps.append(self._now())